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Employee engagement

Our employees are one of our most important stakeholder groups. In order to deliver on our goals in such a people-based business
Port Phillip Prison employees

Our employees are one of our most important stakeholder groups. In order to deliver on our goals in such a people-based business, we need highly motivated and engaged employees to contribute to organizational success with an enhanced sense of their well – being.

We always aim maximizing our employee engagement levels.

Offering interesting and challenging roles continues to be seen as a huge attraction to working with the group, with a significant number of senior managers confirming that this is the most important factor influencing their decision to stay with G4S. Of the concerns raised, leadership development and pay and reward were the most significant, both of which the company has taken steps to address with the launch of the new regional leadership program and a review of the alignment of incentives.

our people

At the end of 2016, 13,000+ people worked for almajal G4S making it one of the Kingdom's largest private employers.


In 2016,

7.7% of our employees had one year’s service.

10.6% of our employees had more than 3 year’s service.

78.9% of our employees had more than 5 year’s service.
