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Professionals in action

Extraordinary reaction of our Mobile Patrols Team
G4S patrolni tim iz Odeljenja za bezbednost, patrole i intervencije.

Colleagues from our Security, Patrols and Interventions Department once again demonstrated in what manner professionalism and quality of service differentiate us and establish us as a leader in the market.

Just recently, a few hours after midnight, G4S Mobile Patrols Team was sent to the client's facility after an alarm was reported to our Alarm Monitoring Centre. Seeing that the side window was broken, the team immediately called the police as well as the client's representative.

A series of new burglar alarms were received. Our patrol team then spotted an unnamed person (NN) in the facility and the information was forwarded to the police. That person tried to injure our team member with a piece of glass, but a colleague managed to ward-off the attack, overcome it and temporarily detain the mentioned person, until the police arrived.

With an extraordinary reaction and professional performance in a delicate situation, our team demonstrated its strength. We congratulate our colleagues on the successful completion of this task and thank them for being a true example of our values.

You can read more about this service here.
