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G4S employees hailed at award ceremony

Six G4S employees have been hailed at a prestigious security awards ceremony in recognition of their bravery, dedication and commitment to innovation.
G4S, Awards

The following staff, five cash couriers, and one a security officer based at the Glenmorangie bottling plant in West Lothian, received awards today from the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) Security Personnel Awards in London:

  • Stephen Fearn from Kent’s calm response in the face of an armed attack by a gunman at a bank in December 2011
  • Paul Redhead and Michael Grundy,  from Greater Manchester, hailed for  calm reaction to machete-wielding attackers
  • Derek Mullin and Andrew Queen from Glasgow recognised after an attack by two robbers armed with an axe and bladed weapon
  • Security Officer Colin Robertson awarded “Best Use of Technology” accolade  

The five cash couriers were presented with Special Awards for Outstanding Service at the BSIA’s annual lunch by Commander Steven Rodhouse, responsible for the Metropolitan Police Service’s efforts to tackle gang and organised crime.  They were recognised after showing extreme courage in response to three separate violent incidents by armed assailants.

Cdr Rodhouse also presented the award for “Best Use of Technology” tor Colin Robertson for his passion for security and dedication to building management systems, which helped the Glenmorangie Company in their move to a new purpose built bottling plant.   

Chief Executive for G4S in the UK and Ireland, Richard Morris, said:

“These six award winners demonstrate the extraordinary breadth of talent at G4S and I am particularly pleased that it is not just the tremendous bravery of our staff that has been recognised today but also their commitment to innovation in the security industry. 

“Each year, G4S moves £300billion around the country, and our cash in transit couriers are the backbone of what we do, keeping the pound in the pocket of our customers and members of the public. This work is not without risk, and I am incredibly proud of these colleagues who have been recognised for their calmness and bravery in threatening and violent situations.

“G4S is also at the forefront of using technology to add value to our customers’ businesses and Colin’s award for “Best Use of Technology” is richly deserved after for his work at Glenmorangie.  These six winners represent the very best of G4S and the many thousands of our employees who deliver for our customers each and every day.”

Chief Executive of the BSIA, James Kelly, said:

“The hard work and invaluable contributions of cash-in-transit couriers can sometimes be overlooked, but it is extremely important to remember that they provide an essential public service, and as a result, can be faced with life-threatening situations.

“This year’s award winners have all been confronted by extraordinary circumstances where their welfare has been compromised, yet remained calm and professional throughout the whole ordeal. They truly deserve their awards and we are so pleased to have people like them working within our industry.”

The award winners:

Stephen Fearn was attacked by a violent gun-toting robber while making a cash delivery at a bank in Margate.  While holding a gun to Stephen’s head, the attacker demanded the cash box in which money is transported be opened.  When the robber saw it was empty, he forced Stephen to the bank counter and demanded that the bank staff hand over money. 

With the gun still held to his head, Stephen advised the bank employee to comply with the demands.  Although Stephen’s assailant stole some money, he was arrested soon after and remanded in custody. Throughout his ordeal, Stephen remained calm and it is to his credit that no-one was injured.

Michael Grundy and Paul Redhead showed exceptional courage when confronted with three attackers wielding machetes.  The pair were refilling a cash machine at a service station and while they were preparing to walk back to their vehicle to return a cash box, they were faced with two robbers who snatched the box and demanded the rest of the money that had been put into the machine. Calmly, Paul explained that the machine was fitted with bars and they could no longer access it.

At this point, a third attacker arrived and demanded the contents of the cash box and Michael explained he could not do unless he was on the vehicle. The would-be thief then demanded that the box was opened on the vehicle and the contents passed to him.  Quick-thinking Michael complied with the instruction to open the box but passed the attacker an empty cassette. The attackers then fled the scene without realising they had not gained any cash, thanks to the calm, clearheaded couriers who protected the customer and the company from incurring loses.    

Derek Mullin and Andrew Queen have been recognised for their bravery for facing down two violent attackers during an ATM service at a college. While Derek walked to the building with a cassette, he was approached by two attackers, one of whom was wielding an axe and the other a bladed weapon, demanding the box. 

Calmly, Derek placed the box on the ground and informed the attackers that he was unable to open it. The attackers forced Derek up the stairs to the ATM and demanded that he open it and once again, Derek refused to do so.

In their frustration of being unable to force the machine open, the attackers slashed at Derek with their weapons, causing cuts to his hands and severing two tendons. Despite this, Derek was still able to call the police, keeping calm at all times and not jeopardising the safety of Hamilton or students and members of the public at the college.

Colin Robertson received the BSIA’s national award for “Best Use of Technology” for his work for G4S at the Glenmorangie Company’s Alba Campus in West Lothian.  Colin has worked on the Glenmorangie contract for seven years and the BSIA accolade recognises his aptitude and enthusiasm for security systems and Building Management Systems (BMS).

Going above and beyond what is expected of a security officer, Colin’s in-depth research helped Glenmorangie’s move to a new purpose built bottling plant by producing detailed recommendations on the security systems.  The award also commends Colin for his expertise which help his colleagues develop a richer understanding of the systems and how they can deliver the best security at Glenmorangie’s sites. 
