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G4S responds to Rainsbrook Ofsted report

7129 20052015 G4S responds to Rainsbrook OFSTED report

In response to today’s Ofsted report on performance of Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre, G4S Director of Children’s Services Paul Cook said:

“This is an extremely disappointing report for everyone connected with Rainsbrook and it’s the first time in 16 years that the centre has been found by any inspecting body to be less than ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’.

“We recognise that the incidents highlighted by inspectors were completely unacceptable and took swift action at the time, in discussion with the Youth Justice Board (YJB).

“'The YJB has expressed confidence in our action plan to address all the concerns raised and I am keen for inspectors to re-visit the centre at their earliest opportunity to check on our progress.”
