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G4S FM supports Birmingham Heartlands Hospital treat suspected Ebola patients

G4S Facilities Management has played a crucial role in supporting Birmingham Heartlands Hospital treat patients with suspected Ebola, the deadly virus which originated in West Africa. The hospital, one of the few in the UK where patients can be tested for the disease, has opened its doors to six suspected cases since July 2014.
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G4S FM, which has been working at the hospital since March 2011 under a five-year FM contract, created detailed processes and procedures for dealing with suspect cases who present at the hospital, either by ambulance, or walking into reception. In addition the team created the procedure for dealing with suspected Ebola in returning health care workers and another for specialist personal protective equipment (PPE).

G4S FM security and cleaning staff work together as an integrated team to carry out a total ‘lock down’ when a suspected Ebola case is coming in. They escort the ambulance to the main door, ensuring other patients and the public remain out of harm’s way but are not alarmed by the experience. The cleaning team, wearing specialist Ebola kit, follows the patient into the hospital and into the isolation ward, cleaning behind as they go. After the patient leaves, they carry out a full clean up under the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens guidance for the management of individuals with suspected or confirmed viral haemorrhage fever.

“We played a fundamental role in creating these unique processes to ensure that everyone in the hospital is safe and secure, while also ensuring the dignity of the patient,” said Lesley Reid, the G4S FM contract manager at the hospital. “I am so proud of my fantastic, selfless team. I’ve been especially impressed by the quality of teamwork whatever time they’re called day or night.”

“From the onset of the current Ebola outbreak G4S Facilities Management and their team at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust have been fundamental in both the planning and the response of suspect cases within the trust,” added Kellie Jervis, Head of Emergency Planning and Business Continuity, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. “G4S FM has fully engaged with the whole process regarding suspected Ebola patients and has provided expert advice to the trust as a member of the trust’s Ebola Action Group.”

Jeanette Beevor-Reid, Facilities Manager at the trust added: “The G4S Facilities Management team’s close working with the Trust to draw up a suitable plan and action cards around the VHF procedures for their staff has been tried and tested with compliments received from West Midlands Ambulance senior officers and the Infection Disease Consultants.”

G4S FM’s work at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital has been shortlisted for three industry awards: the Premises and Facilities Management Award for Partners in Healthcare Facilities; the  BIFM Award for Customer Service; and the Golden Service Awards. The winner will be announced over the coming months.
