Inspectors rate G4S-managed Oakhill secure training centre overall effectiveness as “good”
Government inspectors led by an Ofsted team and including Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons and the Care Quality Commission, found that the G4S-managed Oakhill secure training centre near Milton Keynes is safe for young people, promotes positive behaviour and the detainees achieve good educational outcomes.
Inspectors reported that young people at the centre, which is designed to educate, train and rehabilitate up to 80 young people ahead of release and resettlement, have high levels of achievement and those with poor literacy and numeracy are supported well. Today’s report notes the increased focus on developing employability skills and that the most recent findings show the level of re-offending to be lower than the national average.
In a survey conducted by researchers from the independent team, 9 out of 10 young people felt safe at the time of inspection. Those who did not were spoken to privately by inspectors and no safeguarding issues were identified as a result. Inspectors reported that there are good arrangements for the oversight of restraint, sanction and the use of force and that these are only used when necessary and in line with policy and guidance.
The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) has conducted a thorough review of the use of force in the centre, which concluded that force is used appropriately and proportionately. Young people know how to make a complaint and these are managed well. Their views are sought through meetings, surveys and focus groups.
Responding to today’s report, G4S Managing Director for children’s services, Paul Cook, said:
“It has been a tremendously challenging period for everyone connected to our secure training centres and I am encouraged that today’s report finds that young people at Oakhill feel safe and our team is helping them to achieve good educational results.
“Secure training centres are very complex environments that look after some of the most challenging and troubled young people in the country. We work very closely with partners locally and nationally to ensure we safeguard young people, promote good behaviour and provide opportunities to support their further development on resettlement or release into their communities.
“Today’s report finds that Oakhill makes good use of learning, including that from previous inspections, to build on outcomes and improve young people’s experience. We will work closely with the Youth Justice Board and other expert partners and professionals to further improve our support, care and training for young people at Oakhill and the other secure training centres we manage.”
For further information please contact Michael Baker on 020 7963 3171 / +44 (0)7711 385 303 or
Notes to Editors:
- The report can be found on the Ofsted website <<Insert link here>>. The inspection took place between 3-13 November 2015.
- Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children Board annual review of the use of restraining in Oakhill secure training centre can be found at mkscb,org.
- More information can be found about educating young people in secure training centres can be found on the G4S website.
- More information about young people in custody can be found on the Youth Justice Board website.