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G4S and Protect Duty

On Monday 10 January 2022 the UK Government published its response to the Protect Duty public consultation, which ran from 26 February to 2 July 2021.G4S is committed to adopting and implementing any measures and services to meet new legislation designed to enhance the protection of the United Kingdom's publicly accessible spaces from terrorist attacks. G4S will work with businesses and organisations to ensure they are well prepared to deal with incidents. 
G4S event staff

This proposed new legislation will potentially apply to:

  • Public venues (eg. entertainment and sports venues, tourist attractions, shopping centres with a capacity of 100 persons or more)
  • Large organisations (eg. retail or entertainment chains employing 250 staff or more that operate at publicly accessible locations)
  • Public spaces (eg. public parks, beaches, thoroughfares, bridges, town/city squares and pedestrianised areas). This includes event organisers using these spaces.

The proposed legislation would mandate that these locations should take appropriate and proportionate measures to protect the public from attacks, including ensuring staff are trained to respond appropriately.

In the consultation, strong views were expressed regarding the need for accountability, such as the requirement for clear roles and responsibilities, particularly amongst event organisers and those at a senior level within venues and organisations.

An introduction to Protect Duty is included in the briefing paper here (PDF 327.2 KB).

G4S has a number of supporting activities underway to help people and businesses looking for more information. These include:- 

  • A number of internal briefings designed to ensure our staff are equipped to handle queries on the consultation 
  • A G4S Academy briefing paper on UK Terrorism in 2022, to be published in late January 
  • A webinar on Tuesday 8 February on Terrorism in 2022 and the potential impact of the Protect Duty legislation - registration is open now here
  • An interactive virtual exercise on Tuesday 15 February simulating the management through a terrorist attack. 

We are also partnering with the Security Institute to deliver both a virtual seminar and workshop to their members. 
