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G4S Publishes Sixth CSR Report

G4S, the world’s leading global integrated security company, has today published its 2013 CSR report, featuring key updates on its human rights policy, its contribution to the UK economy, and carbon intensity reductions

G4S, the world’s leading global integrated security company, has today published its 2013 CSR report, featuring key updates on its human rights policy, its contribution to the UK economy, and carbon intensity reductions.

The report, published for the sixth year, provides updates on targets set in 2013 as part of the company`s CSR strategy, and also outlines the company’s CSR priorities formed as a result of a broad stakeholder consultation process.

It also details progress made on G4S` human rights policy which aims to align practices with the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights. The G4S Human Rights framework is now being integrated into systems across the Group following the launch of the group’s human rights policy in 2013.

Further highlights include findings from an academic study conducted by Nottingham Business School and Warwick Economics & Development into G4S` direct and indirect impact on the UK economy. The study found that G4S supports 68,000 jobs across the country and contributes a total `gross value added` of £1.95 billion to the UK economy.

G4S also reports on measures taken to reduce its carbon intensity through fleet management initiatives such as eco-driver training, increased driver behaviour analysis and additional investment in new technologies and vehicles. These initiatives have helped achieve a 23.5% reduction in carbon intensity over the last five years.
The report also outlines how G4S’ values are at the heart of its business strategy and highlights the increased focus on health and safety through the launch of ‘Safety First’, a new company value.

Ashley Almanza, CEO, G4S plc, said: “CSR is at the heart of what we do. We believe that having an embedded CSR strategy is good for our business. It means we can recruit and retain talented people, win new businesses and build long-term relationships with our customers, attract investment to support our sustainable growth strategy and make positive contributions to communities across the world.
