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Culture and Values-old2

Our Values

Our Group Values

Our culture is defined by our values, beliefs and behaviours

We seek to embed our values in all aspects of our operations and they form part of our recruitment, development and review processes. Managers and employees are encouraged and expected to behave in line with the group’s values and to speak up when witnessing behaviour which does not meet our standards.

Customer focus
We have close, open relationships with our customers which generate trust and we work in partnership for the mutual benefit of our organisations.

Best people
We employ the best people, develop their competence, provide opportunity and inspire them to live our values.

We can always be trusted to do the right thing.

We develop and demonstrate our expertise through our innovative approach to creating and delivering 
the right solution.

Our values

We seek to improve performance year on year to create long-term sustainability.

Teamwork and collaboration
We collaborate for the benefit of our customers and G4S.

Safety first
We prioritise safety management to protect the health and well-being of our colleagues and those around us.

In 2014, we have introduced a new value to focus specifically on the safety of our colleagues and those around us. This is supported by a number of key safety initiatives and campaigns designed to increase awareness of health and safety matters, learn from best practice and prevent health and safety incidents.
