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HMP Altcourse participates in National Eisteddfod

HMP Altcourse was an active participant in this year’s Eisteddfod in Bala, taking some display space alongside other partner agencies in the tent organised by the North Wales Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB)
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The screens which formed the backdrop to the events staged in the LCJB tent had been made by the Facilities Department at the prison whilst a serving prisoner, under the supervision of Education staff, decorated them with images which illustrated aspects of the criminal justice system. Staff from the prison were on hand during the week to talk to visitors and answer questions.

The prison’s Welsh-speaking chaplain, Nan Powell- Davies was active throughout the week, coordinating the production and performance of a monologue designed to articulate the experiences of serving prisoners, particularly the issues they face as they return to their communities. She also gave an interactive presentation in Welsh on the SORI Restorative Justice Programme offered at HMP Altcourse with members of the audience taking the parts of prisoners and facilitators.

Martin Randall, Community Links and Diversity Manager at HMP Altcourse said: “being able to make an HMP Altcourse-specific contribution through the medium of Welsh was particularly important, given our significant Welsh prisoner constituency. It was also an opportunity to align the prison with the commitment of the LCJB to recognise both the needs and the rights of those whose first language is Welsh. We were delighted to take part and look forward to participating again next year.”
