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G4S to help integrate asylum seekers into communities

The UK Border Agency has today announced that G4S Care and Justice Services, part of the global secure solutions leader G4S, will deliver transport, accommodation and related support services to two UK regions for the new COMPASS contracts
G4S, contract

The contracts will start in May and replace the existing services provided under the Government’s Target and Transport Plus contracts. The new COMPASS contracts will run for five years, with the option of a two year extension.

G4S will deliver the services through a network of experienced strategic partners drawn from the private, public and voluntary sectors.

The services will be provided in the following regions: 

  • Midlands and the East of England; and 
  • North East, Yorkshire & the Humber

Stephen Small, Managing Director, Immigration & Borders at G4S Care & Justice Services, said:

“We take the welfare of all people who receive our services extremely seriously. Asylum seekers are among the most vulnerable people in our society and we are committed to ensuring they are integrated into local communities with the minimum of disruption, and into housing which is safe, sanitary and fit for purpose.

“G4S will be delivering services largely through a carefully selected supply chain of experienced housing providers, which includes local private and voluntary sector housing organisations. We will use Housing Assessment specialists to drive up the standard of housing provided and employ dedicated Social Cohesion experts to work with Local Authorities, migrant support groups, health and education bodies”.

G4S will be using a range of housing providers and has selected the charity Migrant Help as its strategic partner from the voluntary sector, backed up by refugee organisations and local voluntary & community groups.

COMPASS or ‘Commercial and Operational Managers Procuring of Asylum Support Services’ is the new name for the contracts which replaces over 30 UKBA contracts for accommodation and transport of destitute asylum applicants and families. These are currently provided under the Target and Transport Plus contracts. G4S is the incumbent provider of Transport Plus. 

Under COMPASS three types of accommodation will be provided for asylum seekers: Initial (hostel type/full board); Dispersed (flats or houses/self-catering) and Section 4 (for those refused asylum ahead of deportation). 
