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Free G4S Risk Assessment - What You Need to Know?

Things change. A relevant security plan relies on a clear understanding of risk to be effective. Far too often, as threats evolve, security is left behind and when an attack occurs, security is unable to respond. 

At G4S, we believe a commitment to regular risk evaluation, supported by a willingness to embrace change and integrate technology are all critical components to a modern security plan. A thorough risk evaluation, regularly refreshed, is the critical first step that underpins the security programme. 

With this in mind, a group of security experts from the G4S Academy have collaborated on a project that makes a bespoke risk evaluation report, available to our clients in a matter of minutes. 

The assessment is available in two variants. The first is a self-assessed fully automated report, access online which takes participants through a series of questions to produce a simple, bespoke risk evaluation, with risks ranked according to the following principal categories:-

- Theft of property 

- Damage to property

- Intrusion 

- Unethical conduct 

- Natural Disasters 

- Property Accidents 

- Health and Safety Accidents 

- Social & Economic Unrest 

- Regulatory Change 

- Violence against property 

- Theft / Denial of Information 

This evaluation can be accessed for an investment of no more than 15 minutes of your time. If you’d like to create your own evaluation, simply visit the web page here.

For a more advanced evaluation, we also offer a consultative survey. Following this method, a G4S host will take you through a more advanced series of questions. 

A more detailed report result, which uses the same categorisation as the basic report, but breaks each area into more detail as well as providing a detailed profile of your principal assets. 

To request a consultative assessment, simply complete the form here.
