Connect security with customers core business strategy.
Our values in action - G4S Academy Denmark
Initiatives such as the G4S Academy, which has produced a cadre of integrated security experts, have resulted in the G4S Denmark business now generating two-thirds of its revenues from security systems and one-third from manned security. The foundation of the Danish business was a consumer alarms business upon which, in recent years, we have very successfully built a complex security systems business.
The G4S Academy was established on the belief that, in an environment where security threats are dynamic, it is essential that our customers have access to our global knowledge of the newest, most sophisticated solutions that address these threats. Knowledge not only means creating a culture of awareness but also connecting security with core business strategies, making it an integrated and active part of a company’s operations.
The G4S Academy was established on the belief that, in an environment where security threats are dynamic, it is essential that our customers have access to our global knowledge of the newest, most sophisticated solutions that address these threats. Knowledge not only means creating a culture of awareness but also connecting security with core business strategies, making it an integrated and active part of a company’s operations.